
Patriot Harley-Davidson®
9739 Lee Highway - Fairfax, VA. 22031 703-352-5400 - Fax: 703-352-5470 E-Mail:
Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fairfax VA Chapter Harley Owners' Group®
The Fairfax VA Chapter of the Harley Owners Group® was established in 1998 in association with its sponsor Patriot Harley-Davidson® located just west of Fairfax Circle on Route 50 in Fairfax, Virginia. The Chapter is about 300 members strong and is growing steadily. It is made up of riders primarily from Fairfax, Arlington and Loudoun Counties and is a very diverse group from many walks of life.

Rolling Thunder®
Rolling Thunder®, Inc.'s major function is to publicize the POW-MIA issue, to educate the public of the fact that many American prisoners of war were left behind after all past wars, to help correct the past and to protect the future veterans from being left behind should they become prisoners of war-missing in action.
Rolling Thunder® is committed to helping American veterans from all wars!

City of Fairfax, VA.
Visit Fairfax
Since its settlement in the 1700s, the City of Fairfax has been at the heart of Northern Virginia's government and commercial activities.
The City of Fairfax's rich heritage follows the development of the nation - from a rural crossroads to a prosperous cosmopolitan area.
Located just 20 minutes from Washington, D.C., the city's attractive blend of commercial, office, retail, and residential properties combines the charm of a small town with the opportunities of a thriving urban area. Home to more than 20,000 residents and 29,000 business and government employees, the City of Fairfax offers an extensive variety of office space, from townhouse and large-scale office buildings along the commercial corridors, to stately renovated houses in the city's Historic District, included in the National Register of Historic Places. The city is home to large companies and small service firms, lawyers and other professionals, thriving retail stores and national trade associations.
Make one of your first stops the Fairfax Museum and Visitor Center, an excellent source for tourism information about the city and the region. The museum is open from 9 am to 5 pm daily (except for major holidays). For information call 703-385-8414.
Interactive Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Leave a tribute, a story or photograph about any of the 58,256 veterans killed or missing in the Vietnam War.