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In Memoriam

As we reflect on the times that have brought us together to commemorate and memorialize those who have fallen, remember that they gave their lives to protect and ensure our freedom now and forever. They fought for a noble cause. They stood to defend ever vigilant. They made the ultimate sacrifice for our liberty. WE WILL NEVER FORGET!

Where liberty is, there is my country.”
  — Benjamin Franklin

SGT Norman Emineth
SGT Norman Emineth

Hero: SGT Norman Emineth

Date of Birth: 6/13/1949
Date of Death: 5/22/1970

SGT Norman Emineth died of multiple fragmentation wounds received somewhere in Cambodia while serving with C Company, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 25th Infantry Division.

Norman Emineth was born on June 13, 1949 and raised in Baldwin, North Dakota.

A Special Message:
Norman was my second cousin. His dad and my grandmother on my dad's side were brother and sister. I never met him before he went to Vietnam/Cambodia, but I do remember going to the funeral home and graveside service. I guess that's what prompted me to take the assignment to the "Old Guard" in 1979.

Tom Heinz